Wearing the Right Armor

As we talked about the armor of God this past Sunday, I started to remember a story in God’s Word where the armor on a solider didn’t fit quite right. Remember the infamous story of David and Goliath?

David was a brave young man who sought to take down the Philistine giant - Goliath, who was taunting the Israelite army. As soon as David approached Saul and told him that he wanted to fight, Saul tried to put his armor on David. There was one problem…it didn’t fit!
In 1 Samuel 17:38-40 we see this unfold:

“Then Saul dressed David in his own tunic. He put a coat of armor on him and a bronze helmet on his head. David fastened on his sword over the tunic and tried walking around, because he was not used to them. “I cannot go in these,” he said to Saul, “because I am not used to them.” So he took them off. Then he took his staff in his hand, chose five smooth stones from the stream, put them in the pouch of his shepherd’s bag and, with his sling in his hand, approached the Philistine.” (NIV)
It made me wonder if sometimes the enemy pressures us into using the wrong armor, the armor that doesn’t protect us like the armor of God.
What might the enemy ask us to put on that is, in a sense, “the wrong armor?” I know in my own life he has used things like jealousy, busyness and hurry, fear, and anger to motivate me to fight. Fighting out of those motives only causes defeat as I tried to step forward in the power of the flesh.
And so we see, David didn’t need Saul’s “impressive armor” to fight the battle well. God knew exactly what he needed…only five smooth stones. That’s all it took to defeat the giant they all feared and demonstrate the power of God in battle.
As we journeyed through each piece of the armor of God this past Sunday, it made me realize how specialized each piece is to us personally. How God has been so thoughtful with each single piece He chose to include.
We need every one of those pieces to come together in order to fight well. We can’t simply fight with the breastplate of righteousness, and no sword of the Spirit. Or equip our feet with the gospel of peace but have no shield of faith. Each part of our armor comes together like a symphony created by our loving and thoughtful God.
Just before David was about to step into battle, Satan used his oldest brother to say something very hurtful to him.

In 1 Samuel 17:28 we see his brother’s words:

“Why have you come down here? And with whom did you leave those few sheep in the wilderness? I know how conceited you are and how wicked your heart is; you came down only to watch the battle.” (NIV)
Remember that as you step into battle, as the Lord calls you to engage in spiritual warfare, you will at times feel like you battle alone. You will feel like David here, who didn’t even have the support of his oldest brother. Did the enemy use his brother’s words to harm David’s heart? I believe so. But it didn’t stop David from moving forward in faith.
So as you step into your own battles this week, find comfort in this verse:
“We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.” (2 Corinthians 4:8-9 NIV)
Remember that God has set aside special armor for you to fight and has strengthened you as He calls you His own. He has solidified your identity in Christ, and when no one else seems to believe that you can fight this battle well - He is on your side!
Erika Pizzo
Erika is an author of various books on the topics of faith, mental health, and victory in Christ. Erika lives with her husband, daughter, son, and their fluffy poodle in sunny Southern California. Her two favorite things are a visit to the beach and a chai latte in hand.