Asking the Wrong Questions

Just the other day I was driving with my kids in the car, and inevitably they ask me quite a few questions as we drive.

Today’s topic was all about reading in school. I told them about how when you get to high school and even college, the books they have you read are big ones with lots of pages!

This led to a slew of questions…

“Mom, did you ever want to lie about whether or not you read the book?”

“Could you just say you did it and not actually read?”

“What would happen if you didn’t read the book?”

After patiently answering with things like, “Well, lying is not what Jesus wants for us.” Or “Why would I lie when my mind could grow from reading the book?” …I started laughing and burst out with, “Guys…I think you’re asking the wrong questions!”

Their mind went straight to the idea of escaping reading a big book, and since they are only 7 and 9, I honestly can’t blame them.

In this Sunday’s message as we journeyed through Ephesians 5 and into Proverbs, the topic of drinking is discussed by Paul, and this comment by Pastor Jason really stood out to me:

“The question is not, ‘How much can I drink?’ The question is, ‘How under control are you?’”

Sometimes I think we are asking the wrong questions. We beg and plead for a little bit more of the world, and ask the Lord just how far we can push it and still receive grace. But instead, I wonder if we should ask: “Lord, how can I have more of you and less of this?”

One of the fruits of the Spirit is self control (Galatians 5), so being filled with the Spirit actually means we have control around things…things like drinking, binge watching shows, shopping, eating, etc.

Unfortunately, we live in a day and age where it is portrayed as almost cruel to limit any of those things. Can you imagine being at a party where everyone is discussing the latest shows they binge watch and you say, “Oh yeah, I love that show but I turned it off after one episode because I wanted to practice self control.” I think at that point you would hear a pin drop in the room!

The glorification of self and self satisfaction is rampant in our culture, and the idea of exercising self control is very foreign. But we are to be characterized by the Spirit…

So what does that look like?

I love how Pastor Jason brought up the idea of a continual filling of the Holy Spirit, and how that really directs our lives. It is not a one-time thing. It’s this beautiful journey with God where He starts to take over our thoughts, desires and actions and conforms them to look more like Christ.

I remember the time when God started convicting me over a particular show I was watching. At first, it felt very painful and my flesh resisted hard. I kept justifying it by saying, “I barely watch tv, what is one show?!” But more and more, the Holy Spirit gave me reason to let it go. And in time…He actually took the desire away.

I started wanting more of what Jesus wanted, and my eyes were opened to the depravity that I once worshiped.

Maybe there are a few things God wants to prune out of your life that require self control? Maybe that fruit of the Spirt is ready to be poured out in your own life? Is it scary to think of letting things go? Yes!

Is it worth it to become more like Christ? One hundred percent.

Oh friend, let Him examine you. Let Him examine the parts of you that worship depraved things and turn your world upside down. It’s a journey you will never regret taking.

Erika Pizzo
Erika is an author of various books on the topics of faith, mental health, and victory in Christ. She also hosts the weekly podcast “Temple Care” where she provides regular messages of encouragement. Erika lives with her husband, daughter, son, and their fluffy poodle in sunny Southern California. Her two favorite things are a visit to the beach and a chai latte in hand.
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