We were challenged in the message on Sunday to think about all the “stones” (spiritual influencers) that God has used to build us all up for the service of the Lord. So, I got to thinking about that list, and it is long!
First off, I am grateful for all those nuns who taught me in Catholic school. They didn’t give me the pure gospel, but they did lay an amazing foundation of truth. I grew up knowing a lot about God and respecting Him and His work.
And then there was that one family that lived at the end of our street in Hawaii. They had a big family, six kids, I think. But they were different. Every time I was in their house it was peaceful. The dad often winked at the mom. Her snacks were the best. We prayed at every meal, and they even prayed when we had sleep overs. Kindness reigned. I knew something was different about them. Later I heard them say they were CHRISTIANS. Boy did they influence me.
Then there was that gal on my floor in college. When everyone else avoided Sunday church, she was up and at it. She was part of the “college ministry.” She was always inviting us to an activity or trip. I made some good friends in that group. And because of that, I made more good decisions than bad ones during those early college years.
Then along came Donna, a friend from work. She was a pastor’s daughter down from Oregon going to a Bible college. She is the BIG STONE in my life, meeting with me all summer long. Answering questions, showing me things in the Bible, praying with me and loving me towards the Savior. So, by the first week of September, I was ready to embrace Christ and put Him on the throne of my life. Nothing has been the same since!
I wonder what your story is like. Who are the “stones” (spiritual influencers) in your past? No doubt there were little ones and big ones. Casual nudges and major influences, stones that the Lord used to put you together and launch you on the path toward eternity with Him.
But this isn’t a one-sided story. Once we are fully functioning as His kids, we have the obligation to be a "stone" for others. A slight pull here, a word there, a forceful prod here and a kind gesture there. The Lord is expecting you and I to be useful in our influence, by word or deed. We are the mouthpiece for the gospel. We point people to Jesus!
So, this week, let’s all think about our own spiritual journey. Let’s thank the Father for all those who have contributed to our growth. And then, let’s commit ourselves to help others come to know Christ and grow in His grace!
First off, I am grateful for all those nuns who taught me in Catholic school. They didn’t give me the pure gospel, but they did lay an amazing foundation of truth. I grew up knowing a lot about God and respecting Him and His work.
And then there was that one family that lived at the end of our street in Hawaii. They had a big family, six kids, I think. But they were different. Every time I was in their house it was peaceful. The dad often winked at the mom. Her snacks were the best. We prayed at every meal, and they even prayed when we had sleep overs. Kindness reigned. I knew something was different about them. Later I heard them say they were CHRISTIANS. Boy did they influence me.
Then there was that gal on my floor in college. When everyone else avoided Sunday church, she was up and at it. She was part of the “college ministry.” She was always inviting us to an activity or trip. I made some good friends in that group. And because of that, I made more good decisions than bad ones during those early college years.
Then along came Donna, a friend from work. She was a pastor’s daughter down from Oregon going to a Bible college. She is the BIG STONE in my life, meeting with me all summer long. Answering questions, showing me things in the Bible, praying with me and loving me towards the Savior. So, by the first week of September, I was ready to embrace Christ and put Him on the throne of my life. Nothing has been the same since!
I wonder what your story is like. Who are the “stones” (spiritual influencers) in your past? No doubt there were little ones and big ones. Casual nudges and major influences, stones that the Lord used to put you together and launch you on the path toward eternity with Him.
But this isn’t a one-sided story. Once we are fully functioning as His kids, we have the obligation to be a "stone" for others. A slight pull here, a word there, a forceful prod here and a kind gesture there. The Lord is expecting you and I to be useful in our influence, by word or deed. We are the mouthpiece for the gospel. We point people to Jesus!
So, this week, let’s all think about our own spiritual journey. Let’s thank the Father for all those who have contributed to our growth. And then, let’s commit ourselves to help others come to know Christ and grow in His grace!

Sherry Worel
Sherry Worel is a Bible teacher at heart and lives a life of ministry. She’s been involved at Coast Hills teaching Women’s LIFE, Bible studies, online courses, devotionals, participating in Upstream conversations, and much more. Having a love for education, Sherry has over 50 years of teaching experience with schools, churches, and mission agencies. As well as earning her Master’s at Talbot Seminary, she rounded out her education with 35 years as Head of School at Stoneybrooke Christian School. Sherry is happiest with a book or fishing pole in hand.