I remember one of those days when I thought I found a mistake in the Bible. It happened about this time of year. I was studying the Triumphant Entry of Jesus and saw that both Mark and Luke referred to that animal as a colt. Matthew mentions both a donkey and a colt. But John says it was a donkey. Donkey versus colt, I had it, a mistake!
But then I did some more research and found out that a colt is a young male donkey less than 4 years of age. Oh well, still no mistakes in God’s Word. But there are some interesting things to note about this animal.
These hybrid creatures all come from only one of two distinct species. One is from the area from The Red Sea to Tibet. And the other one is from The Red Sea down into Africa. The one Jesus used is from that latter group. They are neat animals. Their large ears help keep them warm. Their braying is a unique form of vocalization. Unlike horses or zebras, donkeys vocalize both while they inhale and exhale. That’s how they get that “HEE” and that “HAW.”
Donkeys make lifelong bonds with each other. When two of them get connected, they are called “pair bonds” and if they are separated for some reason, they will become ill and may die. During the time frame when Jesus lived, these animals were primarily “beasts of burden.” They carried people and supplies, drove the wheel in the mill house and pulled the plough out in the field.
Horses got all the limelight. When a Roman general had a great victory, he would parade through the conquered city regaled on the back of a magnificent horse. But on this particular Sunday, Jesus sent two of His disciples to find this young donkey and bring it back to Him. He wasn’t entering Jerusalem as a conquering King. He had work to do for His Father. He told the two men on the errand, “If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you untying it?’ say, “The Lord needs it.”
He didn’t need a whole cohort of soldiers to cheer Him on. He needed a lowly donkey so He could fulfill the prophecy in Zech. 9:9 and go on to the cross. He just needed a brief ride as the suffering Savior so He could go to His death and declare that the penalty of sin was paid in full.
The explanation for the taking of the donkey was simple, “The Lord needs it.” And that same straightforward attitude covers all the requests the Lord might make of us. Surrender your hopes, visions and dreams, the Lord needs them. Let go of your preconceived notions about your work, the Lord needs it. Release your children and trust the Lord as He declares, “I need them.”
As we hear those words “I need it…” let’s release those things we have clinched in our fists. And instead, with confidence, let’s allow His plans to come to fruition. We need it!
But then I did some more research and found out that a colt is a young male donkey less than 4 years of age. Oh well, still no mistakes in God’s Word. But there are some interesting things to note about this animal.
These hybrid creatures all come from only one of two distinct species. One is from the area from The Red Sea to Tibet. And the other one is from The Red Sea down into Africa. The one Jesus used is from that latter group. They are neat animals. Their large ears help keep them warm. Their braying is a unique form of vocalization. Unlike horses or zebras, donkeys vocalize both while they inhale and exhale. That’s how they get that “HEE” and that “HAW.”
Donkeys make lifelong bonds with each other. When two of them get connected, they are called “pair bonds” and if they are separated for some reason, they will become ill and may die. During the time frame when Jesus lived, these animals were primarily “beasts of burden.” They carried people and supplies, drove the wheel in the mill house and pulled the plough out in the field.
Horses got all the limelight. When a Roman general had a great victory, he would parade through the conquered city regaled on the back of a magnificent horse. But on this particular Sunday, Jesus sent two of His disciples to find this young donkey and bring it back to Him. He wasn’t entering Jerusalem as a conquering King. He had work to do for His Father. He told the two men on the errand, “If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you untying it?’ say, “The Lord needs it.”
He didn’t need a whole cohort of soldiers to cheer Him on. He needed a lowly donkey so He could fulfill the prophecy in Zech. 9:9 and go on to the cross. He just needed a brief ride as the suffering Savior so He could go to His death and declare that the penalty of sin was paid in full.
The explanation for the taking of the donkey was simple, “The Lord needs it.” And that same straightforward attitude covers all the requests the Lord might make of us. Surrender your hopes, visions and dreams, the Lord needs them. Let go of your preconceived notions about your work, the Lord needs it. Release your children and trust the Lord as He declares, “I need them.”
As we hear those words “I need it…” let’s release those things we have clinched in our fists. And instead, with confidence, let’s allow His plans to come to fruition. We need it!

Sherry Worel
Sherry Worel is a Bible teacher at heart and lives a life of ministry. She’s been involved at Coast Hills teaching Women’s LIFE, Bible studies, online courses, devotionals, participating in Upstream conversations, and much more. Having a love for education, Sherry has over 50 years of teaching experience with schools, churches, and mission agencies. As well as earning her Master’s at Talbot Seminary, she rounded out her education with 35 years as Head of School at Stoneybrooke Christian School. Sherry is happiest with a book or fishing pole in hand.