The other day I ordered a box of doughnuts from a speciality gluten free bake shop. The words speciality and gluten free sound expensive right? Unfortunately, they are.
But you see, as a gluten free person, it is SO hard to find a good doughnut. So naturally, I had to order an entire box for myself.
Here’s the problem if you don’t see one already…
Because I knew these doughnuts were particularly expensive, and because I’ve publicly declared that I want to abstain from sweets, I decided in a moment of sheer panic to hide the doughnut box from my husband.
First of all, I didn’t want him to know I ordered an entire box for myself. And second of all, I knew he wouldn’t be too thrilled that I Doordashed this right to our front door step.
Later, he found me eating a doughnut. We both burst into laughter because he knew exactly where that doughnut came from. With loving but sincere eyes he says, “I think you might have a problem…”
And he’s right. I really do need to stop ordering those doughnuts! But on a deeper level, I felt terrible that I hid it and lied.
I’m not saying you or I can never have a doughnut…
What I am saying is that when fear motivates us to do anything, we find ourselves in a heap of trouble.
To be honest with you, I’ve been struggling with this chapter on the Gibeonites. Why did God let them off free when He came down so hard on Achan? Why was there a difference in the punishment? It doesn’t seem fair.
But as I go deeper into these messages on Joshua, I am realizing the truth in what Pastor Jason so wisely pointed out; “Fear motivated the Gibeonites to lie, but service motivated them to move forward.”
The Gibeonites came clean in their moment of fear. God spared their life. But why? For one, we know God opposes the proud and gives grace to the humble (James 4:6). Their humility drew Him in.
And secondly, God had a great future for them. He was nowhere near done with them yet.
So if you’re like me, and you’ve wondered why God hasn’t thrown down major judgment yet over the many mistakes you’ve made….think for a moment on the future He has planned for you.
I love this verse in 1 Corinthians 2:9 which says, “No eye has seen, nor hear has heard, nor the human heart conceived, what God has prepared for those who love Him.”
Our future is so much brighter and more beautiful than our past mistakes, and it’s time we stopped looking back.
The Gibeonites lived a life of service, and because of the humility they showed, God allowed them to become a part of His great blessing, instead of being defined by their curse.
Maybe you don’t struggle with doughnuts, but maybe it’s something even deeper. Maybe God is calling you to lay that down, and start looking ahead. Your past is your past, but God still has a beautiful future ahead.
I pray you have the heart to imagine it. I pray you have the heart to lay down your past, and start living God’s great future.

Erika Pizzo
Erika is the author of the blog yourtemplecare.com where she encourages women to care for their mind, body, and spirit as they grow closer to Jesus. She also hosts the podcast “Temple Care” where she provides weekly messages of encouragement. Erika lives with her husband, daughter, son, and their fluffy poodle in sunny Southern California. Her two favorite things are a visit to the beach with a chai latte in hand.