I had never really seen myself as a Kid’s Ministry type...
It was summer of 2015. I was entering my senior year of high school and had signed up to be a Vacation Bible School (VBS) leader for first graders. It seemed like my church needed a lot of help, so I went for it. Truthfully, I wasn’t sure first graders could even understand the Gospel—I mean, I was a senior and still struggled to grasp it.
Ready or not, the week of VBS came. Having so many first graders to wrangle, we split them up in smaller groups between the 4 leaders. I quickly realized that the adults had stuck me with the rambunctious boys—the ones who had a reputation for running amok.
That week, I had my work cut out for me! But after a few days of struggle and sit-down conversations about respect, we managed to get back on track and had an incredible time.
There is one moment from that VBS week that is burned into my memory. We were sitting in a room full of little ones for the presentation of the Gospel message. My Pastor held a dollar as he explained Jesus’ gift of salvation in simple terms. He held out the dollar as if giving it to one of the boys, and said something like, “Though I’ve told you this is a gift for you, and I’m handing it to you, it’s not in your hands yet, is it? You must reach out and take the dollar to receive the money, spend it, and enjoy it…” The analogy was clear. My heart raced with longing and joy as I watched children understand and receive God’s gift of grace in Jesus Christ—including a few of my rambunctious boys.
Like I had never felt before, the Holy Spirit stoked a fire in my heart to see young people receive the Gospel and follow Jesus. I wanted to see these kids live and trust in ALL of God’s promises.
Had I not participated in VBS that week, I wonder if I would be in youth ministry now. Had I listened to my fears that said, “You’re not experienced with kids, you can’t do this…” or “You’re not strong enough in your faith, how can you lead others?” Would I have missed out? Eight years later, would students at Coast Hills have missed out?
This Sunday, Pastor Jason’s answer was a resounding, “Yes!” Our community misses out when we succumb to our fears and fail to participate in God’s promises. The people of Israel failed catastrophically, but Joshua and Caleb displayed belief in God’s promise to give them the land flowing with milk and honey.
Church, I beg you to silence the lies of “I’m not ready” or “I’m not good enough.” This is not unbelief in yourself, but unbelief in the power of the Holy Spirit living inside YOU! God’s direction to Joshua was, “Be strong and courageous, for YOU are the one who will lead these people to possess all the land I swore to their ancestors…” (Joshua 1:6).
God has given us giftings to participate—and succeed—in our mission to make disciples. If we are looking at our own ability, we will never be good enough, and we will never participate. But when our source is the Almighty God, Who rescued His people out of Egypt—splitting seas, sustaining in the wilderness, bringing water from the rock—is His hand now shortened in these modern times? The answer, of course, is “No.” That God, through His Son, abides in us.
So, what is stopping you this week? What is keeping you from engaging in the battle? The victory is promised and is as secure as the One who promised it.
Be strong and courageous! You are the one God is calling to engage. And it is the Lord Himself Who goes with you…
Consider this New Testament passage:
“For God, who said, “Let there be light in the darkness,” has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ. We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves.” — 2 Corinthians 4:6-7 NLT
It was summer of 2015. I was entering my senior year of high school and had signed up to be a Vacation Bible School (VBS) leader for first graders. It seemed like my church needed a lot of help, so I went for it. Truthfully, I wasn’t sure first graders could even understand the Gospel—I mean, I was a senior and still struggled to grasp it.
Ready or not, the week of VBS came. Having so many first graders to wrangle, we split them up in smaller groups between the 4 leaders. I quickly realized that the adults had stuck me with the rambunctious boys—the ones who had a reputation for running amok.
That week, I had my work cut out for me! But after a few days of struggle and sit-down conversations about respect, we managed to get back on track and had an incredible time.
There is one moment from that VBS week that is burned into my memory. We were sitting in a room full of little ones for the presentation of the Gospel message. My Pastor held a dollar as he explained Jesus’ gift of salvation in simple terms. He held out the dollar as if giving it to one of the boys, and said something like, “Though I’ve told you this is a gift for you, and I’m handing it to you, it’s not in your hands yet, is it? You must reach out and take the dollar to receive the money, spend it, and enjoy it…” The analogy was clear. My heart raced with longing and joy as I watched children understand and receive God’s gift of grace in Jesus Christ—including a few of my rambunctious boys.
Like I had never felt before, the Holy Spirit stoked a fire in my heart to see young people receive the Gospel and follow Jesus. I wanted to see these kids live and trust in ALL of God’s promises.
Had I not participated in VBS that week, I wonder if I would be in youth ministry now. Had I listened to my fears that said, “You’re not experienced with kids, you can’t do this…” or “You’re not strong enough in your faith, how can you lead others?” Would I have missed out? Eight years later, would students at Coast Hills have missed out?
This Sunday, Pastor Jason’s answer was a resounding, “Yes!” Our community misses out when we succumb to our fears and fail to participate in God’s promises. The people of Israel failed catastrophically, but Joshua and Caleb displayed belief in God’s promise to give them the land flowing with milk and honey.
Church, I beg you to silence the lies of “I’m not ready” or “I’m not good enough.” This is not unbelief in yourself, but unbelief in the power of the Holy Spirit living inside YOU! God’s direction to Joshua was, “Be strong and courageous, for YOU are the one who will lead these people to possess all the land I swore to their ancestors…” (Joshua 1:6).
God has given us giftings to participate—and succeed—in our mission to make disciples. If we are looking at our own ability, we will never be good enough, and we will never participate. But when our source is the Almighty God, Who rescued His people out of Egypt—splitting seas, sustaining in the wilderness, bringing water from the rock—is His hand now shortened in these modern times? The answer, of course, is “No.” That God, through His Son, abides in us.
So, what is stopping you this week? What is keeping you from engaging in the battle? The victory is promised and is as secure as the One who promised it.
Be strong and courageous! You are the one God is calling to engage. And it is the Lord Himself Who goes with you…
Consider this New Testament passage:
“For God, who said, “Let there be light in the darkness,” has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ. We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves.” — 2 Corinthians 4:6-7 NLT

Michelle Townsley
Michelle Townsley is a young adult devoted to loving Jesus and loving people. A current staff member at Coast Hills, her passion is to “present everyone mature in Christ” whether through women’s discipleship in youth and young adults ministry, or through communications and the written word. Michelle loves ministry, summer camp, and basketball in that order.
Posted in Articles
Posted in Participation, Community, Volunteering, Serve, Mission, Discipleship, Joshua, 2 Corinthians 4
Posted in Participation, Community, Volunteering, Serve, Mission, Discipleship, Joshua, 2 Corinthians 4